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Winter wedding? Esti invitat? Hai sa iti aratam ce sa porti!

Winter wedding? Esti invitat? Hai sa iti aratam ce sa porti!

RO :

Iarna este un anotimp minunat Embarassed Este minutat si pentru Evenimente. Chiar  daca este frig si mai… ca nu ai vrea sa iesi din casa, nu poti rata un eveniment important doar pentru ca este frig sau din cauza ca nu stii cu ce te poti imbraca. Astazi ne-am gandit sa va prezentam cateva idei de tinute care se potrivesc anotimpului pe care il simtim de fiecare data cand pasim afara.

Asadar primul pas este alegerea unei rochii care sa fie potrivita pentru silueta ta. Apoi culoarea, fiind iarna tindem sa ne ferim de culorile mai vii (fara un motiv exact). Poti purta orice iti place indiferent de anotimp, noi asa credem. Negrul, clasic si elegant este o alegere potrivita. Rosul, o culoare minunata purtata de doamnele indraznete si puternice. Gold, pentru o ‘’sclipire’’ atunci cand este nevoie.

Dupa ce ai facut alegerea in privinta rochiei, sa nu crezi ca ai scapat ! Drumul catre tinuta perfecta nu se opreste la prima intersectie Tongue Out  Iar la prima intersectie te lovesti de stimulatorii increderii, dap…pantofii. Aceste minunatii inaltatoare poate iti dau batai de cap, dar merita fiecare leu cheltuit. Alege o pereche de pantofi comozi (nu vrei sa pleci acasa dupa 10 minute de dans, insa un toc de 15cm poate sa fie comod), si desigur trebuie sa ai in vedere felul in care completeaza rochia.

Pentru accesorii ai nevoie de mare atentie. Nu cumpara ceva  pompos, de unica folosinta Laughing Daca esti mai indrazneata poarta un colier masiv, sau o pereche de cercei de dimensiuni mari. Iar daca nu iti doresti bijuterii, nu purta. O tinuta simpla poate atrage atentia fara nici un dubiu !

Tinuta este foarte importanta, insa nu uita cine o poarta, acesta este detaliul cel mai important ! Fiecare pas accesorizeaza-l cu atitudine si incredere.

Ooo si da…pentru un final touch  …mareata blana. E potrivita pentru acest sezon si mereu apreciata Smile.


EN :

Winter is such a nice time Embarassedand it is also nice for Events. Even that it is could, and you just want to stay inside, don’t do it. Just because of the  temperature  or because you don’t know what to wear? Don’t you even think like that. Today I was thinking to talk about a winter Event outfit and what is ok to wear on this season that you feel every time you open the door.

First step is to choose a dress that is made for your silhouette (very important step). Next is the color, and because is winter we tend to run away from ‘’alive’’ colors. You can pick whatever you want, doesn’t matter the season, that is what we think. Black, classic and elegant is always a good one. Red is a great color for strong and independent ladies .Give yourself a sparkle with a gold dress, if you feel like.

After you have your dress, it is not over. The road to the perfect outfit is not stopping at the first intersection. You will meet with the stimulators of trust, yeppp…the heels! This elevating beauties may give you a head pain, but they worth every penny. Just use some comfy ones (you don’t want to go home after the first 10 minutes danced)- 15cm heels may be comfy also Tongue Out Make sure it fits the dress.

For accessorizes, you need to be very careful. Don’t buy something you will use only once. If you are more independent and courageous can peak a prominent neckless or a pair of large dimensions earrings. And if you don’t like accessorizes don’t wear it! Simple can be better.

The outfit is very important, but don’t forget who is wearing it girl! Every step you make, season it with attitude and self-trust Smile

Oooo yes….and for a final touch use the greatest trick, the mighty fur! It is good for this season, and always appreciated. 


Written by,

Ioana Parascan, 

Darom Evenimente


black and goldfurpink and redgreen dress and jewleries